Claire Speight’s willow walk

The Willow Walk is situated behind Browns Golf course and runs around the parameter of the green. It is a place of contemplation and quiet and to me has been my favourite place to escape the busyness of life and thought and immerse myself in the wonder of nature and its resilience.

I took many walks, sketching, photographing, collecting and writing as I walked and with this I have created an accordion folding art book, which merges monotype printmaking, block lettering and watercolour to produce a visual journey on a hot spring day just after lockdown measures began lifting.

I hope you enjoy the images enough to print them off and using the instructions create a version of my journey for yourselves. All you need is an A4 or A3 sheet of paper/light card, and a printer. I have left the front and back for you to create your own covers. 

Or maybe you might want to create your own book using this simple, folding technique. Enjoy being outside, have fun, and wonder at the islands richness of nature that we are so lucky to live amongst.